Any Texan who suffers from seasonal allergies probably dreads the change of seasons in the winter and spring months. All the sneezing, congestion and itchy eyes—it’s just too much. Common seasonal allergies in Texas If you live in Texas, you’re exposed to a high number of allergens each year. Some … [Read more...]
Annual Plume of Saharan Dust Puts Strain on Houstonians and HVACs
Did you hear about the plume of dust from the Saharan desert that traveled 5,000 miles to Central Texas back in July of 2021? The annual Sahara dust plume is a natural phenomenon that takes place in the summer. This cloud, also known as the "Saharan atmospheric layer," can travel hundreds of … [Read more...]
Home Air Purification Tips and Keeping COVID-19 Out of the Air Your Breathe
We’re all looking for ways to keep ourselves and our families healthy by protecting against COVID-19. With so many of us stuck at home, whether it’s due to a stay at home order from your local government or a self-imposed quarantine, the indoor air quality of our homes has never been more … [Read more...]
Cigarette Smoke and Its Impact on Your HVAC System’s Health
By now everyone is familiar with the concept of secondhand smoke and the dangers that it presents. What many people may not realize is that thirdhand cigarette smoke that can be harmful as well. Thirdhand smoke is the particles that linger from cigarette smoke. These particles can remain on … [Read more...]
Humidifier vs. Dehumidifier: Dry Skin
Dry skin happens to most people at some time or another, especially when the weather starts to turn cold. Low humidity and cold, dry air can take its toll on the uppermost layers of your skin by zapping the moisture right out. Other causes of dry skin include age, sun exposure and frequent … [Read more...]
Humidifier vs. Dehumidifier: Bronchitis
The humidity level in your home is very important for maintaining your overall health. Too much humidity can increase mold growth, while too little can cause dry skin or respiratory problems. Another health issue that can be complicated by improper humidity levels in your home is bronchitis, a … [Read more...]
Humidifier vs. Dehumidifier: Which Can Ease Your Asthma Symptoms?
If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from asthma, you may have considered a humidifier or dehumidifier to help relieve some of those debilitating, and frankly annoying, symptoms. Asthma symptoms can be triggered by humidity that is too high or too low. Depending on the air … [Read more...]
The Best Humidifier/Dehumidifier Combos on the Market
Humidifiers and dehumidifiers are a great way to improve your indoor air quality. Too much or too little humidity can cause health problems and annoying symptoms, so many Americans choose to invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier every year to keep their home within the recommended 40-50%. Many … [Read more...]
Spring Allergies & Your AC: Tips for Cleaner Indoor Air
Spring has arrived, bringing blooming flowers and warmer days, and for many, it also marks the beginning of allergy season. What many people do not know is that their central air conditioning can actually aggravate their allergies. Here’s why: Typically, air conditioning units operate in closed … [Read more...]
5 Tips on Prepping Your Air Conditioner for Spring & Summer
After winter has hit and done its damage, the time comes to prepare your air conditioning unit for the warmer weather ahead. Seasonal maintenance is important for keeping your indoor air quality as clean as possible in the allergy-laden months ahead. Here are a few tips to make sure your air … [Read more...]